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Changed: 12c12
* You ain't got a choice if you write FORTRAN, APL, or COBOL.
* You ain't got a choice if you write FORTRAN, APL, or COBOL. [ This is no longer true. --JLTurriff ]

Changed: 21c21
: This seems to be more of a policy issue than a technical limitation. The languages based on 80-column Hollerith cards (COBOL, FORTRAN, PL/I, HASM) have all modernized to allow variable-length records. What I see today is mandates from the administrators of software projects (Linus comes to mind) to limit lines to 80 columns. This discourages the use of in-line comments and requires logical units of code to be spread across multiple lines, making it harder to understand.
: This seems to be more of a policy issue than a technical limitation. The languages based on 80-column Hollerith cards (COBOL, FORTRAN, PL/I, HLASM) have all modernized to allow variable-length records. What I see today is mandates from the administrators of software projects (Linus comes to mind) to limit lines to 80 columns. This discourages the use of in-line comments and requires logical units of code to be spread across multiple lines, making it harder to understand.

This is one of the CommonGripes.

Slashdot had a good discussion of this:

The issue at hand is whether or not the 80 column per line limit should still be adhered to:

In summary...




This seems to be more of a policy issue than a technical limitation. The languages based on 80-column Hollerith cards (COBOL, FORTRAN, PL/I, HASM) have all modernized to allow variable-length records. What I see today is mandates from the administrators of software projects (Linus comes to mind) to limit lines to 80 columns. This discourages the use of in-line comments and requires logical units of code to be spread across multiple lines, making it harder to understand.
Another legacy of the punch-card days that I see still today is all-uppercase code. There's really no reason for this anymore. IMO mixed-case is much easier to read than all caps, but I've gotten pushback from team leaders and managers about this. Often, when mainframe programmers venture into the mixed-case world they tend to follow the examples in the language manuals, making the non-variable parts of their code uppercase and their variables mixed or lowercase, which seems to me opposite to what would be useful. The language manuals are emphasizing the language's syntactic elements, but IMO programmers should be emphasizing the variables they're manipulating.

My view is that the Three True Lengths are ... No, not zero, one and infinity; I mean 72, 80, and 132!!! --RonPerrella

I don't have a problem with the 80 column limit. First, as mentioned, modern editors and screens permit longer ones, so you *can* go beyond that it needed. If you are using something like a dumb terminal connected to a *nix box, you are probably using an editor (like vi) than can be told to wrap lines, or one like emacs, which can side-scroll, and your termianl probably has a 132 column mode if needed.

The question is how often you have to go beyond 80 characters in an editor?. For the majority of program code, you don't, though it may be useful viewing output listings.

Of course, your editor may impose restrictions. The wonderful E editor by Dr. David Nye packs an enormous number of features (including right *and* left margins) into a 5K(!) DOS COM file, but the method used to store text in memory silently truncates lines at 80 columns. The least restrictive editor I can recall is Sam Willmot's SLED editor for DOS, which allows lines of enormous size. I once did a test to see how long a line SLED would handle, and I recall it finally choking on a line over 100KB(!) in length.


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Edited February 20, 2021 10:51 pm (diff)